All Classes
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CRecordingStatusStructure containing information about the status of the recording
 CInitParametersClass containing the options used to initialize the sl::Camera object
 CRuntimeParametersStructure containing parameters that defines the behavior of sl::Camera::grab()
 CPositionalTrackingParametersStructure containing a set of parameters for the positional tracking module initialization
 CSpatialMappingParametersStructure containing a set of parameters for the spatial mapping module
 CStreamingParametersStructure containing the options used to stream with the ZED SDK
 CRecordingParametersStructure containing the options used to record
 CBatchParametersStructure containing a set of parameters for batch object detection
 CObjectDetectionParametersStructure containing a set of parameters for the object detection module
 CObjectDetectionRuntimeParametersStructure containing a set of runtime parameters for the object detection module
 CBodyTrackingParametersStructure containing a set of parameters for the body tracking module
 CBodyTrackingRuntimeParametersStructure containing a set of runtime parameters for the body tracking module
 CPlaneDetectionParametersStructure containing a set of parameters for the plane detection functionality
 CCameraThis class serves as the primary interface between the camera and the various features provided by the SDK
 CStringClass defining a string
 CResolutionStructure containing the width and height of an image
 CRectClass defining a 2D rectangle with top-left corner coordinates and width/height in pixels
 CDevicePropertiesStructure containing information about the properties of a camera
 CStreamingPropertiesStructure containing information about the properties of a streaming device
 CInputTypeClass defining the input type used in the ZED SDK
 CAI_Model_statusStructure containing AI model status
 CMatrix3fClass representing a generic 3*3 matrix
 CMatrix4fClass representing a generic 4*4 matrix
 CVector2Class representing a 2-dimensional vector for both CPU and GPU
 CVector3Class representing a 3-dimensional vector for both CPU and GPU
 CVector4Class representing a 4-dimensional vector for both CPU and GPU
 CTimestampStructure representing timestamps with utilities
 CMatClass representing 1 to 4-channel matrix of float or uchar, stored on CPU and/or GPU side
 CRotationClass representing a rotation for the positional tracking module
 CTranslationClass representing a translation for the positional tracking module
 COrientationClass representing an orientation/quaternion for the positional tracking module
 CTransformClass representing a transformation (translation and rotation) for the positional tracking module
 CCameraParametersStructure containing the intrinsic parameters of a camera
 CCalibrationParametersStructure containing intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the camera (translation and rotation)
 CSensorParametersStructure containing information about a single sensor available in the current device
 CSensorsConfigurationStructure containing information about all the sensors available in the current device
 CCameraConfigurationStructure containing information about the camera sensor
 CCameraInformationStructure containing information of a single camera (serial number, model, input type, etc.)
 CPoseClass containing positional tracking data giving the position and orientation of the camera in 3D space
 CSensorsDataStructure containing all sensors data (except image sensors) to be used for positional tracking or environment study
 CBarometerDataStructure containing data from the barometer sensor
 CIMUDataStructure containing data from the IMU sensor
 CMagnetometerDataStructure containing data from the magnetometer sensor
 CTemperatureDataStructure containing data from the temperature sensors
 CObjectDataClass containing data of a detected object such as its bounding_box, label, id and its 3D position
 CCustomBoxObjectDataClass that store externally detected objects
 CObjectsClass containing the results of the object detection module
 CBodyDataClass containing data of a detected body/person such as its bounding_box, id and its 3D position
 CBodiesClass containing the results of the body tracking module
 CObjectsBatchClass containing batched data of a detected objects from the object detection module
 CBodiesBatchClass containing batched data of a detected bodies/persons from the body tracking module
 CCommunicationParametersHolds the communication parameter to configure the connection between senders and receiver
 CMeshFilterParametersClass containing a set of parameters for the mesh filtration functionality
 CChunkClass representing a sub-mesh containing local vertices and triangles
 CMeshClass representing a mesh and containing the geometric (and optionally texture) data of the scene captured by the spatial mapping module
 CPlaneClass representing a plane defined by a point and a normal, or a plane equation
 CPointCloudChunkClass representing a sub-point cloud containing local vertices and colors
 CFusedPointCloudClass representing a fused point cloud and containing the geometric and color data of the scene captured by the spatial mapping module
 CFusionConfigurationUseful struct to store the Fusion configuration, can be read from /write to a JSON file
 CInitFusionParametersHolds the options used to initialize the Fusion object
 CCameraIdentifierUsed to identify a specific camera in the Fusion API
 CBodyTrackingFusionParametersHolds the options used to initialize the body tracking module of the Fusion
 CBodyTrackingFusionRuntimeParametersHolds the options used to change the behavior of the body tracking module at runtime
 CObjectDetectionFusionParametersHolds the options used to initialize the object detection module of the Fusion
 CGNSSCalibrationParametersHolds the options used for calibrating GNSS / VIO
 CPositionalTrackingFusionParametersHolds the options used for initializing the positional tracking fusion module
 CSpatialMappingFusionParametersSets the spatial mapping parameters
 CCameraMetricsHolds the metrics of a sender in the fusion process
 CFusionMetricsHolds the metrics of the fusion process
 CECEFRepresents a world position in ECEF format
 CLatLngRepresents a world position in LatLng format
 CUTMRepresents a world position in UTM format
 CGeoConverterPurely static class for Geo functions
 CGeoPoseHolds geographic reference position information
 CGNSSDataClass containing GNSS data to be used for positional tracking as prior
 CFusedPositionalTrackingStatusClass containing the overall position fusion status
 CFusionHolds Fusion process data and functions
 CGNSS_FUSION_STATUSClass containing the current GNSS fusion status
 CGNSS_MODEClass representing the mode of GNSS signal
 CGNSS_STATUSClass representing the status of the of GNSS signal