How to Install ZED SDK on Windows

Download the ZED SDK

The ZED SDK for Windows contains all the drivers and libraries that powers your camera along with tools that let you test its features and settings.

  • Download the ZED SDK for Windows. Multiple version of CUDA are available, if you have no favorite, pick the latest one.

Install the ZED SDK

  • Run the installer.

Setup CUDA

CUDA is an NVIDIA library used by the ZED SDK to run fast AI and computer vision tasks on your graphics card. During the ZED SDK installation, if CUDA is not detected on your computer, the installer will prompt you to download and install CUDA.

You can skip this step and install CUDA manually from the NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit archive.

Restart your computer

  • At the end of the installation, a system restart is required to update the Windows environment variables.

Skipping this step could lead to library not found errors. Make sure to restart your computer, especially if it is the first time the SDK is installed on your machine.