GStreamer - ZED Object Detection Overlay

The ZED Object Detection Overlay, zedodoverlay GStreamer element, is a transform filter that allows to draw object detection bounding boxes on a ZED left color video stream. The incoming data stream must contain ZED Metadata, you can use the the zeddatamux element to add back metadata to a ZED video stream in case that a GStreamer filter removes them.

OD Multi class overlay road

The source code of this plugin is a complete example about how to process the ZED metadata in a GStreamer element to retrieve object detection data.


No properties

Example pipelines

Display Object Detection bounding boxes

Following a pipeline to acquire a stream at 720p resolution with RGB and MULTI CLASS Object Detection information and display the results no screen:

gst-launch-1.0 zedsrc stream-type=0 od-enabled=true od-detection-model=0 resolution=2 framerate=30 ! queue ! \
zedodoverlay ! queue ! autovideoconvert ! fpsdisplaysink

OD Multi class overlay bridge

Display Skeleton Tracking results

The same pipeline of the previous example can be used to display Skeleton TRacking results simply changing the od-detection-model property of the zedsrc element

gst-launch-1.0 zedsrc stream-type=0 od-enabled=true od-detection-model=2 resolution=2 framerate=30 ! queue ! \
zedodoverlay ! queue ! autovideoconvert ! fpsdisplaysink

OD Skeleton overlay