Get Started with ZED X

If you recently purchased a ZED X or ZED X Mini camera, congratulations! This guide aims to help you become acquainted with the ZED X camera and to give you the essential information you need to begin utilizing its 3D depth sensing capabilities to their full potential. How do I connect my ZED X camera? How do I use the GMSL2 capture card? How can I develop on my local PC with the ZED X? If you are currently asking yourself these questions, this guide is here to help you.

About ZED X and ZED X Mini #

The ZED X camera is a professional-grade camera designed specifically for robotic applications in production environments. With its IP66-rated Global Shutter and high-performance IMU, it is built to withstand harsh conditions and provide reliable performance.

The camera’s advanced Neural Depth Engine 2 technology produces highly accurate depth maps, even in challenging lighting and untextured environments. Additionally, its secure GMSL2 connection allows for low-latency video transmission without EMI interference, making it ideal to integrate into robotics platforms.

Setting up your system for ZED X and ZED X Mini #

If you are planning to use the ZED X or ZED X Mini cameras, it is essential you have the proper hardware in place to support the camera’s GMSL2 connection.

The ZED X and ZED X Mini cameras use a GMSL2 connection, which is not compatible with USB. To process video at high bandwidth and low latency in a reliable manner, specific hardware is required, and therefore the ZED X and ZED X Mini are not compatible with all host machines.

Before proceeding, please ensure that you have followed the “Get Started with ZED Link” guide to correctly configure your NVIDIA® Jetson device for the GMSL2 camera.

Developing with ZED X on a PC #

When working on projects for embedded platforms such as Jetsons, there may be situations where you prefer to perform development tasks on a Desktop machine. The ZED SDK LocalStreaming function enables developers to use the ZED X on their local PC as if it were connected directly to the computer. To set up this capability, follow the guide below to stream ZED X data to your computer.

Troubleshooting #

If you have any issues while setting up your ZED X, please refer to our Troubleshooting guide.

Docker #

You can find a guide to use the ZED X and ZED X Mini in Docker on this page.